최근 검색어 전체 삭제
중독정신의학 Vol.27, No.1.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

병원 유형에 따른 알코올사용장애 치료추적률과 치료결과의 비교

Comparison of Follow-Up Rates and Treatment Outcomes Between Specialized Alcohol Treatment Hospitals and Other Hospitals

DOI : 10.37122/kaap.2023.27.1.18
  • 137

Objectives: To compare the follow-up rates and treatment outcomes of patients with alcohol use disorder between specialized alcohol treatment hospitals and other types of hospitals, including mental and general hospitals. Methods: Ninety-five patients treated at specialized alcohol treatment hospitals and 32 patients at other hospitals were included in this multicenter study. The data obtained included sociodemographic characteristics, follow-up rates, treatment programs, and treatment outcomes assessed through several numerical scales. Trend analysis was performed to estimate the time effect and interaction effect between time and hospital type during a 3-month treatment period. Mediation analysis was conducted to identify variables affecting the relationship between hospital type and treatment outcomes. Results: Patients treated at specialized alcohol treatment hospitals showed higher follow-up rates. Both types of hospitals showed significant time effects on treatment outcomes. Specialized alcohol treatment hospitals showed a larger decrease in alcohol consumption in the trend analysis. In the mediation analysis, insight was found to mediate the relationship between hospital type and alcohol consumption. Conclusion: Specialized alcohol treatment hospitals showed equivalent or better treatment outcomes than other types of hospitals. These findings suggest that policy support should be expanded to specialized alcohol treatment hospitals for patients with alcohol use disorder.

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