최근 검색어 전체 삭제
중독정신의학 Vol.27, No.1.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

조현병 환자군에서 비만 및 음식중독 연관 심리요인 연구

A Study of Correlates of Obesity With Food Addiction in Schizophrenia

DOI : 10.37122/kaap.2023.27.1.27

Objectives: This study aims to investigate the present status of food addiction in schizophrenic patients attending day-hospital and outpatient clinics at a mental hospital. Additionally, we examined the correlation between food addiction, depression, and stress perceptions among schizophrenia patients. Methods: The participants in this study were schizophrenic patients who attended day-hospital and outpatient clinics. Their symptom severity was mild as measured by a Clinical Global Impression-Severity score of 3 or less. We administered the Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0, the Perceived Stress Scale, and the Zung Self Depression Scale. Statistical analysis was conducted using the SPSS program. Results: The prevalence of food addiction among participants was 25.8%. We observed a significant positive correlation between depression and food addiction. Additionally, there was a significant difference in the occurrence of food addiction between the moderately depressed group and the normal group. Conclusion: The high prevalence of food addiction among patients with schizophrenia indicates that it requires increased clinical attention. Our findings suggest that there is a positive association between depression and food addiction, with higher levels of depression corresponding to higher levels of food addiction. Therefore, depression appears to be a significant factor in the development of food addiction in schizophrenia patients.

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