Исследование стратегии локализации русских субтитров корейского сериала «Игра в кальмара»
A Study of the Localization Strategy for Russian Subtitles of the Korean TV Series “The Squid Game”
The purpose of this article, focusing on the question “Is localization a successful strategy for K-drama?”, is to research strategies and techniques based on an analysis of the Russian translation of The Squid Game, and to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of localization strategies. The objectives of this article are as follows: First, to analyze the localization strategies and techniques applied to the Russian translation of “The Squid Game”. Secondly, to analyze the effects, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the localization strategies applied to the translation of “The Squid Game”. Third, to research the necessity of localization strategy for Korean drama translation. The object of analysis in this article are the Russian subtitles of the Netflix translation of the Korean series “The Squid Game”.
1. Введение
2. Характеристики локализации
3. Анализ стратегий перевода и локализации «Игры в кальмара»
4. Заключение