David Lewin is credited with having originated neo-Riemannian transformation theory, in his work with harmonic transformations in nineteenth-century triadic harmonic theory. Since then, as an extension of Lewin's work, neo-Riemannian theorists have had many lively discussions about contextual transformations on consonant triads and parsimonious voice leading. Among them, John Clough, Richard Cohn, Jack Douthett, Brian Hyer, and Henry Klumpenhouwer were theorists to lay a foundation for neo-Riemannian theory, adapting and developing a tradition of German harmonic theory. The general aim of the present study is to examine the historical background, comparing with the nineteenth-century German harmonic ideas such as triadic transformation, common-tone retention, harmonic dualism, and Tonnetz, and to discuss current topics on neo-Riemannian theory. This essay also presents some basic theoretical concepts of the neo-Riemannian theory, focusing on the P, L, R transformations and harmonic circles based on regular patterns of the transformations called Hexatonic system, Octatonic system, and Hemiltonian Cycle. Neo-Riemannian theory can belong to a speculative theory, exploring some abstract structures of tones and chords themselves, and the major-minor system in terms of voice leading and transformations. It is also obvious that the neo-Riemannian theory can be categorized as an analytic theory undertaking detailed study of individual pieces.
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Ⅰ. 리이만의 화성이론
Ⅱ. 네오리이만 변형이론의 역사적 배경
Ⅲ. 네오리이만 변형이론의 발전과정
Ⅳ. 최대근접성부진행과 화성 사이클
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