최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

20세기 후반 서구 음악학계의 실증주의 연구 사례

Three Positivistic Studies from Late Twentieth-Century Musicology

The current work was written with aim to demonstrate the importance of positivistic research in the field of musicology. The main issue of the three articles published in the second half of the last century were presented: Anne Walters Robertson's “The Mass of Guillaume de Machaut in the Cathedral of Reims”(1992), Martin Morell' s “New Evidence for the Biographies of Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli”(1983), and David Bryant' s “The 'cori spezzati'of San Marco: Myth and Reality”(1981). These three articles were carefully chosen among others because each one of them contributed to correcting the long-held misconceptions in music history, thus illuminating the necessity of the positivistic research in the field of musicology.

1. 안드레아 가브리엘리

2. 산 마르코 성당과 이중 합창

3. 기욤 드 마쇼의 《노트르담 미사》

