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KCI등재 학술저널

바흐의 토카타 관련 오르간작품들에 대한 연구

A Study on the organ toccatas of Bach

  • 25

There are four organ toccatas of Bach: BWV 538(d), 540(F), 564(C), 565(d). In the old Bach-Gesamtausgabe(BG), BWV 566(E) was called also “Toccata”, but in the New Bach-Ausgabe(NBA) the title is replaced by “Praeludium et Fuga”, corresponding to the authoritative sources. The four organ toccatas are different in the designation. BWV 538 und 540 are entitled “Toccata et Fuga” in BG and NBA, while BWV 564 is entitled simply “Toccata”, although this work has an independent big fugue. In comparison with this piece, BWV 565, which is called in BG “Toccata”, is entitled “Toccata con Fuga” in NBA. The word ‘Toccata con Fuga’ seems to mean a form between ‘Toccata’ and ‘Toccata et Fuga’. And when one compares ‘Toccata’ or ‘Toccata con Fuga’ with ‘Toccata et Fuga’, he can find out some structural differences. The both works, BWV 564 and 565, are strongly influenced either by the italian concert type, of which A. Vivaldi was representative, or the toccata type of the north-german school, of which D. Buxthehude was representative. In contrast to that the other works, BWV 538 and 540, follow formally the type of Bach himself, namely ‘Praeludium et Fuga’. So they are consisted of a toccata of motivating and imitating character and a fugue of strict contrapuntal character.

Ⅰ. 시작하면서

Ⅱ. 바흐의 토카타 관련 오르간작품들 전반에 관하여

Ⅲ. 토카타 관련 작품들에 사용된 기법적 특징들

Ⅳ. 끝내면서

