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KCI등재 학술저널

리게티 아카펠라 작품에서 가사와 음악과의 관계

The relationship between lyrics and music in "A Cappella" works by Gyrgy Ligeti

  • 7

In this paper, the relationship between lyrics and music in the vocal music of Ligeti has been studied through the comparative analyses of Lux aeterna(1966) and Magyar Etüdök(1983) based upon the following approaches. My study focuses on the experiment on the Latin text used externally and syntactically in the compound structure of music. In Lux aeterna, the text with ritual and ceremonial function was deconstructed into “vowel-sound” and presented a new model of “words-composition”. Also a compositional technique, which is in common with Magyar Etüdök's, applied to post-semantics of the text in Lux aeterna is studied, and a comparative study of musical effects by the same compositional technique and the role of texts between the two works is done. Finally, the passages in Magyar Etüdök that represent the relationship between text and music are analyzed. My conclusion is as follows: The experimental words-composition technique of Ligeti is based on the deconstruction of both semantics and syntax in Lux aeterna and Magyar Etüdök; it was embodied by the formation of “vokalcluster” in Lux aeterna; and by the emphasis on onomatopoeia for the imaginary representation, and by the cross and spatial arrangements of text in Magyar Etüdök comparable to “parallel-montage”.

들어가는 말

1. 1945년 이후 성악음악의 다양성

2. 리게티의 성악작품

3. 《영원한 빛》과 《헝가리 에튀드》에서의 가사와 음악과의 관계

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