최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

세속음악과 종교음악, 그 모호한 경계

Between Secular and Sacred Dramma per musica: Handel's English Oratorio Journey

  • 6

The paper is concerned with the diverse form of Handel's Acis and Galatea. Handel's 1708 version of Acis and Galatea took the shape of a cantata or serenata, while the version of Acis and Galatea of 1718 was a masque, the traditional English theater form, or an English opera. In 1732, at which point Handel had become a mature theatrical composer, Acis and Galatea appeared this time in an enlarged shape in bilingual texts of Italian and English. 1718 version, however, was considered as an antecedent of English oratorios by Handelian scholars. Beyond the controversy over the two competing forms of the 1708 of the Acis and Galatea, both the cantata and the serenata were recognized as small chamber music played by only a few players in a small chamber. The contemporary Italian cantata was composed for private amateur performance, while the oratorio was for public performance in a theater by large numbers of musicians and for large audiences. Considering the characteristics of the versions of Acis and Galatea, this paper pursues these tasks: do study the theory concerning musical genre, do define the essential features of the various genres of cantata, serenata, and oratorio, and to explore the way in which Handel transformed the chamber genres of secular form into the English oratorio of public or sacred genres.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 글

Ⅱ. 음악 장르의 정의

Ⅲ. 헨델과 『아치스와 갈라티아』

Ⅳ. 실내 장르: 칸타타와 세레나타

Ⅴ. 영국적 오라토리오로의 발달

Ⅵ. 맺는 글

