최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

18세기 서양 음악의 출판과 유포

The publishung and dissemination of music in the 18th-century Europe

  • 6

This paper tried to illuminate the process of publishing the printed edition and manuscript as well as various methods of dissemination of music publication in the 18th-century Europe. Also the roles of musicians involved in this process were discussed. It consists of three parts: First, the comparison between music publishing in the first half and one in the second half of the 18th century; second, the various aspects of music publishing, i.e., the three routes of publishing, the types of music publisher-merchants, and the role of subscription system; third, dissemination places such as a reading society and lending library besides already well-known music salon, music club and home, and the role and effect of piano-vocal score as a main medium of dissemination of a new music. Surprisingly, the 18th-century music publishing and dissemination shows us unexpected aspects in many points. The traditional view of the 18th century as transitional period into the mature age of music publishing in the 19th century must be reconsidered. The 18th century music publishing already exhibited the international traits of network system among publishers in various countries and cities introducing the effective sale method like a subscription system. The extent and quantity of international music commerce in the 18th century exceed our expectation.

1. 18세기 유럽 음악 출판계

2. 출판

3. 유포

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