최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

초기 관현악곡에 나타난 한국음악적 요소

The Elements of Traditional Korean Music Reflected in the Early Western-Style Orchestral Music in Korea: 1939-1959

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This study explores the early development of western-style orchestral music in Korea. Examining seventeen important Korean works written and premiered from 1939 to 1959 mostly in Korea, the present author evaluates the contribution which early composers made on the orchestral musical scene in Korea. The general tendencies of the period as discovered are described and the use of Korean instruments and idioms, and the amalgamation of the Korean spirit into western language are noted in particular. Traditional materials are combined with western styles from the beginning. Most characteristic feature is the use of pentatonic scale and traditional rhythmic patterns and their variants. Use of traditional instrtuments or folksongs are also found. Dong-Jin Kim's Kayageum Concerto(1959), featuring a Korean instrument as a solo, is a unique example of adapting a formal structure and tempo of Korean music, the sanjo. As seeking appropriate means of writing indigenous Korean music within a framework of western style was an important trend of Korean composers of the western-style music from the beginning. Thus, to find true Korean idioms differentiated from exotic idioms cultivated by the western composers would be one of the most significant tasks that Korean composers today to resolve.

1. 들어가면서

2. 초기 관현악곡 개관: 1939-1959

3. 작품 소개

4. 결론

