최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

아이브스의 노래

Ives' Songs: Commentary Songs

  • 6

This paper proposes ten songs by Charles Ives as “Commentary” songs. The songs discussed here are as follows: The Circus Band(1894), Waltz(1895), Memories(1897), Romanzo(1900), The Things Our Fathers Loved(1917), Down East(1919), Old Home Day(1920), Grantchester(1920), On The Counter(1920), The Sideshow(1921). From the ideas about commentary proposed by Peter Burkholder, “Commentary” songs can be explained as songs commenting on music itself, songs critiquing certain styles and genres, and songs about the experience of hearing music and responding to it emotionally. For example, Waltz emulates the very popular waltz song to comment on waltz. On The Counter satirize parlor song by alluding its style and with the lyric written by Ives himself. In Old Home Day, the stylistic gulf between the music that Ives borrows and paraphrases and the context that he creates around it emphasizes the sense of commentary. This study reveals that Ives wants to comment on popular music as well as classical music.

시작하는 글

1. 예술 음악에 대한 커멘트

2. 대중음악에 대한 커멘트

3. 예술 가곡의 양식과 대중음악 양식의 차이를 통한 커멘트


