The concept of expression is very important in the music of German symphony composer Karl Amadeus Hartmann (1905~1963). He himself put much effort in expressing humanistic thoughts and images of international brotherhood in his music through the use of every possible compositional technique during his lifetime. Hartmann recognized symphony as a great genre through which one can express large scale music with formal perfection. In his symphonies Hartmann attempted to express what he had in mind through rich orchestral timbre instead of the traditional form, multi-movement construction and normal orchestration and instrumentation accordingly. What he tried is to move away from the conventional musical language and representation, in other words, secession from the typecast practice of the traditional formal frames, instrumentations and motivic developments. Hartmann not only expressed a positive dimension through the secession in his symphonies, but also accommodated the negative dimension of situations and phenomena of the time and incorporated his way of expression his works. There are two reasons why Hartman concentrated on symphonic genre. The first is that he thought he can accomplish various expressions through unlimited potential possibilities the orchestral music. Secondly, the goal of the genre is to contrive the ubiquity of humanity.
Ⅰ. 들어가면서
Ⅱ. 하르트만의 사상적 배경을 통해본 심포니 창작과정 고찰
Ⅲ. 하르트만 심포니 어법 연구 : 전통의 수용과 새로운 시도
Ⅳ. 나가면서 : 하르트만의 심포니에 나타나는 표현을 위한 전통의 재구성과 새로운 시도