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KCI등재 학술저널

알반 베르크( A. Berg )의 오페라 보체크《 Wozzeck 》에 나타난 텍스트적 의미의 음악적 표현

The Musical Representation of Meaning Embedded in the Text of the Opera 《Wozzeck》 by Alban Berg: With the focus on the nature and social conflict underlying the tragedy

  • 16

A significant tenet underlying G. Buchner drama Woyzeck is to reveal the interrelationship between the inner nature of human beings and social environment, and thus to plea to the responsibility of society owed for Wozzeck’s crime. A. Berg’s music tunes into the psychological dynamics embedded in the drama through various compositional techniques, most important of which is his exquisite uses of leitmotives. Other musical expressions of A. Berg, such as the relational structure among the poormotive, the soldier's rhythm, and the murderer’s rhythm, as well as the cynical musical expressions disclosing the faultiness of scientific reasoning and morality, symbolize the counteraction against the extreme social oppression. Moreover, the musical development, in which the chords symbolizing Wozzeck’s internal psychological nature transform into those symbolizing the destructive forces of external nature such as fire and earthquakes, points to how such an oppressive social circumstance can drive a man so far into a pathological state as to commit a crime and how such an internal experience can be projected on to an external experience of nature.

시작하는 글

1. 자연을 파괴하는 사회적 환경에 대한 음악적 묘사

2. 사회적 체험과 연관된 보체크의 파괴적 자연 체험

맺는 글

