최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

칼 요셉 토에스키의 생애와 실내악

The Life and Chamber Music of Karl Joseph Toeschi

Karl Joeph Toeschi was born on November 11, 1731, in Ludwigsburg. A composer and violinist,he studied with Johann Stamitz and Anton Fils. He was a member of the Mannheim court orchestra from 1752, and became the Konzertmeister with Cannabich in 1759 and music director of the electoral cabinet in 1774. With Herzog Christian IV, he traveled to Paris, where most of his instrumental works appeared in print from 1760. Until 1789, his music was frequently performed at the Concert Spirituel. In 1778, as most of the Mannheim orchestra did, he moved to Munich with Carl Theodor's entourage, where he died in 1788. He wrote more than sixty symphonies, many ballets, about twenty flute concertos, over thirty flute quartets, and other chamber works. Toeschi also played an important role in the differentiation of instrumental roles in chamber music, for example fifteen Duetts, twenty Trios, thirty-two Quartets, six Quintets, and many other pieces.Toeschi is one of the representatives of the second generation of the Mannheim School. His music is well-known for their singable melodies and clarity of form, such as binary sonata form and ternary form. His style combines Mannheim, Italian and French features.

1. 들어가는 글

2. 토에스키의 생애

3. 토에스키의 실내악

4. 토에스키 실내악 분석

5. 요약과 음악사적 의미

