최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

음악적 정보학의 구조화된 제 차원들

Structural Dimensions of Computing Musicology

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Computing musicology(informatique musicale) is considered to be the technological and scientific concerns on the automatic processing of musical information. This article is a study on structural computing musicology. As a method of research, we identified seven groups of key words with which we classify dimensions of computing musicology. The dimensions also overlap onto one another in various ways, and we further identified the relationship between these dimensions.The seven groups of key words are as followed: (1) Electronic and electrotechnic instruments as a starting point of computing musicology; (2) Computer music as a creation-oriented concept; (3) Analysis, synthesis, and processing as valid concepts through both the domains of sound and musical piece; (4) Temporality of execution; (5) Representation and characteristics of musical information; (6) Deterministic algorithms and stochastic algorithms as general means of computing musicology; (7) The history and pre-history of computing musicology, and the reconstruction of Western music history based on the viewpoint from the computing musicology.

1. 들어가며: 음악적 정보학, 계산 음악학, 컴퓨터 음악

2. 구조화를 위한 분류 및 제 영역들 간의 관계화

3. 요약 및 보충

