최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

헬무트 락헨만의 ‘기악적 구체음악’(musique concrète instrumentale)과 그 음악사적, 미학적 해석

A music-historical and aesthetic interpretation of Helmut Lachenmann's musique concrète instrumentale

  • 30

This essay surveyed some characteristic features of Lachenmann's musique concrète instrumentale, which is among the kernel concepts of his aesthetics. As a social-politically engaged composer, he aims to create music which contributes to a consciousness-formation of listener, composer, and performer in an aesthetic argument. For this, he uses experimental methods for which the concept of ‘sound-producing as action’ plays an important role. I have examined the influence of Luigi Nono on Lachenmann and the aesthetic of negation as well as the concept of musique concrète instrumentale, along with observation on some pieces which exemplify this concept; I have also attempted to interpret musique concrète instrumentale in a music-historical and aesthetic viewpoint, regarding an aspect of theatricality in non-theatrical, non-verbal instrumental music, and the 'action-oriented notation', and a new idea of listening. It is remarkable that all these aspects are related to one another and lie in mutual coherence.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 헬무트 락헨만의 미학과 작품세계

Ⅲ. 락헨만의 ‘기악적 구체음악’(musique concrète instrumentale)

Ⅳ. 기악적 구체음악의 음악사적ㆍ미학적 해석

Ⅴ. 결론

