최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

조성음악 연구 v

Establishment and Reestablishment of the Tonic Key

  • 17

We may expect the presentation and prolongation of the tonic harmony in the beginning of a tonal piece. If some harmonies that confirm the tonic are omitted, how can we recognize the tonic key? These questions drove me to examine how the tonic key is established in the beginning. In fact, the tonic key is established by chromatic or diatonic harmonies. When there is no obvious tonic in the beginning, the tonality can be established by means of the following ways: first, the tritone is an important element to identify the tonic key; second, the presence of the dominant and subdominant is another attribute to confirm the tonic key; finally, the tonic key is settled by a melody showing an outline of the octave division into 5th (-)and 4th(-).


1. 시작악구의 으뜸화음 연장

2. 악곡의 시작에서 조성을 규정하는 요인들

3. 딸림화음의 화성적 역할이 생략된 시작악구

4. 온음계적 화성 vs 반음계적 화성

5. 진술의 시작악구 vs 재진술의 시작악구


