최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

바흐의 《크리스마스 오라토리오》대본 연구

A Study of the Libretto in Bach's Christmas Oratorio: Christmas and Epiphany Music According to the Christian Year

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Bach's Christmas Oratorio is actually six Cantatas for specific liturgies on December 25, 26, 27, the Circumcision, the Sunday immediately following, and the Epiphany. Bach included the 12-day feast for the sermon of Christmas in the Christmas Oratorio. This essay analyzes the libretto of Bach's Christmas Oratorio in order to see if there is any literal relationship among the songs. And the relationship between the libretti and Christian year is also mentioned in this study. The text of Oratorio is drawn from the Bible, choral, and free poetry. The texts clearly show that each song is a religious poem based on Biblical knowledge. Christmas Oratorio works as a central keyword and this unifies the whole work by making it structurally solid.

1. 서론

2. 성탄절과 명명절,주현절의 의미

3. 작품탄생 및 가사 출처

4. 패러디 출처의 이견들

5. 대본연구

6. 결론

