최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

헨델과 그라운의 《체자레》

Handel's and Graun's Cesares

Opera seria is one of the most elusive genre in Western Music History. The main difficulty lies in the scarcity of opportunity to experience the live performance of opera seria itself. The idea of absolute music, however, also hinders our appreciation of the true nature of opera seria. This study is an attempt to rectify such problem. In order to get closer to the very essence of opera seria, Handel's and Graun's Cesare operas are selected for comparison. These works are examined by way of the number and quality of their arias. As a result, the superiority of Handel's opera lies not only on the number of arias but also on the existence of a pathetic aria sung by Cesare himself.

연구의 필요성: 달하우스의 시사점들

두 작품의 연결 고리들

두 작품의 차이점들

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