최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

국악의 중려-임종 음정의 범주적 지각 특성

The Categorical Perception of the Jungryeo-Imjong Interval in Korean Traditional Music

The purpose of this study was to examine the categorical perception of the interval Jungryeo-Imjong of Korean traditional music. 328 subjects were assigned to four groups according to their degree of training in Korean traditional music. The Jungryeo-Imjong interval, which has a theoretical interval value of 180 cents, was altered in 10-cent increments within a range of +30 and -40 cents, and subjects were asked to distinguish the correct Jungryeo-Imjong interval from the wrong. Independent variables that affect the categorical perception of the interval included various pitch ranges, direction of the melody, instrument timbre, and the subjects' degree of training. The result showed that timbre and direction of the melody did not influence the categorical perception of both the intervals. It also showed that the Jungryeo-Imjong interval was perceived about 10 cents wider in size than its theoretical value of 180 cents. In addition, the categorical perception range of the Jungryeo-Imjong interval was approximately 50 cents. The categorical perceptive characteristic of the interval differed according to the subjects' degree of training. The pitch range also influenced the categorical perceptive characteristic; the interval perception was significantly less accurate in a high pitch range.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 국악 음정지각에 관한 선행연구

Ⅲ. 실험

Ⅳ. 결론

