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KCI등재 학술저널

하이든의 독일어 텍스트에 의한 초기가곡작품(HW 1-24)을 통해 살펴본 음악어법

Haydn's Musical Usage: On the Basis of Early Lieder with German Text (HW 1-24)

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Haydn energetically concentrated on his composition for instrument and challenged to his composition for Lied at his late age. Although his Lieder were not enough in terms of their quantity, but made a turning point into a new era based on traditional Lied. These factors are developed into the Liedform of through-composed pieces of Mozart and cyclic forms of Beethoven. Haydn, who contributed to the establishment on self-standing instrumental music, has started his Lied composition when he was over 50-years old and composed intensively during this short period. Contrary to the earlier Lieder(before Haydn), which didn't allow unnecessary music in order to express the poem, Haydn's new style of Lied composition contributed by showing musical varieties through piano accompaniment by granting freedom to music, and freeing it from the poet's authority. Especially, folk tunes for Lieder have been used in symphonies as well as for main themes in instrumental pieces, which were very interesting by using both instrumental music and vocal music. Being divided into two volumes, the 24 pieces of Lieder für das Klavier, which were an early part of Haydn's Lied composition, were performed frequently and successfully at that time, but he continued to compose the Lied again 10 years later. Between 1794 and 1795, 14 pieces of Lieder, being composed in England during his stay in London, showed more varied expressions in the piano accompaniment, while the vocal part was totally separated from piano part. One of the most notable characteristics of these pieces is that they maintained strophic form for Lied composition.

1. 들어가는글

2. 전고전주의 가곡악파의 전통

3. 하이든 가곡의 음악어법

4. 나오는 글

