On the assumption that both Classical and Romantic characteristics are presented in the String Quartets by Beethoven and Mendelssohn in 1820, this paper examines traditional and progressive trends through analyses. Analyses include String Quartet No. 1 (Op. 12, 1829), No. 2(Op. 13, 1827),and Octet (1825) by Mendelssohn, and Beethoven's late String Quartets. The present study has two general aims as follows: First, we explore individual musical languages of the two comtemporary composers, Beethoven and Mendelssohn; Second, in doing so, we explore how Romanticism in Classicism is shown in Mendelssohn's pieces, as compared with Classicism in Romanticism in Beethoven.
I. 들어가면서
II. 조성의 모호함을 통하여 살펴본 낭만적 특성
III. 형식의 확대: 3도관계의 조성과 형식의 상관관계
IV. 나가면서