최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

같은 가사, 다른 음악

Same Texts, Different Musics: A Comparative Analysis of the Lied, Suleikas, by Mendelssohn and Schubert

  • 25

The paper is a comparative analysis of Mendelssohn's and Schubert's Lieder, Suleikas, based on Marianne von Willemer's poems. After a short survey regarding the current scholarship towards analytic methods of a song analysis, the study moves from poems to songs. Mendelssohn and Schubert failed to know the genesis of the poems in the process of writing the Lieder because correct information regarding the authorship and compositional background of the poems was not available. In spite of the lack of trustworthy information, both composers were quite successful in reflecting poetic images into the musics so that they created their musical worlds, in which texts and music are incorporated in the third media, Lieder, in their own peculiar ways. Deliberate was Mendelssohn's choice of keys, Ursätze, harmonic organization, and motivic devices as well as his cross-reference by melodic quotation and voice-leading path in his Ostwind and Westwind. Schubert also created his own unique musical space through the mode mixtures in diverse contexts and through the adoption of a sonata-form scheme in the through-composed song although he did not mark musical references between the pair of songs as much apparently as Mendelssohn did.

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