최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

리스트의 《순례의 해, 제2권》에서 보여지는 조성적 모호함과 응집성

Tonal ambiguity and coherence shown in Liszt's Années de Pélerinage, Vol. II: Rethinking as a Piano Cycle

  • 34

In general, character pieces for piano by Franz Liszt(1811-1886) are considered as piano collections rather than cycles. For example, in Années de Pèlerinage, Vol. II (1838-1849), one of Liszt's piano collections, there are no relevant facts to estimate it as a cycle in the musical surface. Meanwhile, tonal ambiguity is presented by non-functional 3rd progression in the introductory part of each movement so that the tonic key is slowly established. Interestingly, the 3rd progression in the introduction plays a role to form tonal structure within a movement and leads to connect movements as a cycle. Through the innovative harmonic language of Liszt, the paper explores how the tonal coherence is achieved in the piece, rethinking it as a cycle.

I. 들어가면서

II. 각 곡 안에서의 조성적 모호함

III. 작품 전체에서의 조성적 응집성

IV. 나가면서

