최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

2010년 슈만의 해 개관

First peak in Schumann year 2010: International convention with concerts (20th scientific meeting about questions of research concerning Schumann)

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The 20th international scientific convention from January 21st to 24th in Zwickau was the first peak of the Schumann year. It was the largest of its kind so far with 31 Schumann experts from Germany, Austria, France, the USA and Canada meeting in the city where the great romantic composer had been born. The first meeting had taken place in Zwickau in 1976. The motto was “Robert Schumann - music and poetry”. It was held by the city of Zwickau with financial support of the German community of research und included four concerts. The concert on January 21 st was played by the philharmonic orchestra Plauen - Zwickau with the pianist and violinist Kolja Lessing. On Friday, Januray 22nd there was the concert with the choir “Clara-Wieck-Chore” from Zwickau at the Robert Schumann House. The program included among other works two choir works by Schumann which haven’t been given much attention so far staged for the first time: “Wehmut” and “Herbstlied”. The following evening was led by the singers Doerthe Maria Sandmann from Berlin and Lydia Vierlinger from Vienna. The climax of this night was the performance of the duet “Deutscher Blumengarten” based on lyrics by Friedrich Ruckert, which had not been staged so far and has first been described in detail by Chae Heung Lim in his thesis (2005). The first part on Friday morning was devoted to the literary influences from the rime in Zwickau, in the afternoon literature was the main topic. On Saturday the focus turned to Schumann’s musical works, instrumental as well as vocal, furthermore Schumann’s relationships to various poets were discussed Schumann’s works for piano and general questions were the conclusion of the convention on Sunday morning. The presentations made it very dear that Robert Schumann’s works which connect various arts are a peak of romantic esthetics. Music and poetry are welded together very closely. Literary works serve as an example for Schumann for his instrumental compositions in form and content, which makes his musical works themselves compositions of sound and literature. His vocal works show an unprecedented quality of sound and lyrics. Among the speakers were also linguists, librarians and a philologist. During the convention there was also an exhibition devoted to Schumann’s father August’s publishing company. At the end of the convention the Turkish pianist Sezi Seskir (*1976) played Schumann’s “Waldszenen Op. 82” on the Clara-Wieck-grand piano.

I. 시작하는 글 : 슈만-음악과 문학

II. 슈만 탄생 200주년 기념행사들 및 슈만 연구-간행사업 동향

III. “로베르트 슈만-음악과 문학” “제20회 슈만 연구의 질문들에 대한 학술 업무회의”(20. Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstagung zu Fragen der Schumann-Forschung)

IV. 마치는 글

