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KCI등재 학술저널

통역사의 영역확장

A Study on the Expanding Career Boundary of Interpreters: Focusing on the Direction and Motivation

DOI : 10.55986/cell.2023.8.1.31
  • 44

Interpreters have expanded their work boundaries beyond interpreting. This research analyzes the motivations and specific directions or areas of expansion by conducting ethnographic research on the SNS and personal websites of 75 interpreters and by interviewing 11 of them. While the expansion is taking place mostly in language-related areas, some interpreters are also working as retail merchandisers, tour guides, show hosts, and YouTube creators. One of the key findings is that a number of interpreters have begun to work and expand online, as online platforms have advanced in the past decade. This study has also confirmed that many of them have the desire to take a more active and leading role, such as conference organizer or publishing house CEO. Further, many of them are willing to share their experience and knowledge with the general public. The motivation for expanding their career boundary is largely influenced by the oversupply of interpreters and deteriorating labor conditions, as well as their personal traits.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 연구 방법

Ⅳ. 분석 결과

V. 결론

