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융합영어영문학 제8권 1호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

『기록실로의 여행』에 나타난 공간의 확장과 축소의 상징성 연구

Study on Solitary Confinement and Territorial Expansion in Travels in the Scriptorium

DOI : 10.55986/cell.2023.8.1.223
  • 17

The aim of this paper is to examine the symbols of ‘Space’ in Travels in the Scriptorium by Paul Auster, the representative American writer. It is likely that the hero in the novel, the old man called Mr. Blank is forced to be confined in a small room, a kind of ward or cell, in which he never recognizes the flow of time as well as the memory of his personal experiences. In addition, he is enforced to read a uncompleted report on a table about which he has never heard of, and to write the rest of the report. The report of which title is ‘Travels in the Scriptorium’ tells the history of Confederation, we are sure, a kind of alternative history about the beginning of American history invading the territory of native Americans, which makes not only the hero but also the readers confused. By way of this kind of description to show the history of American natives who had been driven to be deterritorized from their homeland, Auster is trying to provide the readers the alternative history in order for Americans to recognize the process of writing the history. I guess that in The Travels in the Sciriptorium, the author of the book shows we might be a Mr. Blank or a Graf forced to acknowledge the history of the US.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 본론

Ⅲ. 결론
