『수륙법상찬』은 수륙재의 공양 대상인 불보살을 주제로 지은 贊 문학인데, 너무나 심오한 나머지 문구의 정확한 해석과 의미 파악이 매우 어렵다. 그래서 이 작품은 매우 중요한 문헌자료임에도 불구하고, 그에 대한 연구 논저가 극히 드물다. 소동파는 불교의 사상과 수행에 있어서 매우 깊은 경지에 이르렀으며, 이 작품에는 소동파의 그러한 경지가 그대로 녹아들어 있다. 일반 제례의식에 사용된 글과는 판이하게, 많은 의미가 짧은 문구에 고도로 응축되어 있으며, 기복 요소가 없이 자비와 깨달음이라는 불교 본연의 두 가지 정신을 강조하면서 心·空·不二·無二·覺悟·忍辱·愛民 등을 설명한다. 사상성, 문학성, 융합성을 구비한 『수륙법상찬』은 중국의 불찬문학에 있어서 매우 독특한 경지를 개척했다.
Su Dong-po’s『Shui-lu-fa-xiang-zan』 is a Zan-literature written on the theme of Buddha and Bodhisattva, the object of offering for Shui-lu-zhai, but it is so profound that it is very difficult to accurately interpret and grasp the meaning of the phrase. Therefore, although this work is a very important literature material, research papers on it are extremely rare. Su Dong-po reached a very deep level in Buddhist thought and practice, and this work contains such a level of Su Dong-po as it is. Differently from the writings used in general rites, many meanings are highly condensed in short phrases, and without the shamanic elements, emphasizing the two original spirits of Buddhism, compassion and enlightenment, Emptiness·Absence of ego·Patience·Love for the people are explained. 『Shui-lu-fa-xiang-zan』pioneered a very unique stage in Chinese Buddhism literature. For example, in the Section on people, it is explained as follows: Hell and heaven, unhappiness and happiness seem to be different, but in fact, it depends on how you use the same mind. Similarly, Nirvana, which is the state of eternal life, and birth and death are also one in their origin. Life and death are repeated, but if you realize it at this moment, you will become Nirvana, so the two are actually one. Heaven and Nirvana are not elsewhere, they are with me right now, but people look elsewhere and not in themselves. In the Section on hell, it is explained as follows: You raise a thought and the karmic fire soars. No one else burns you, you burn yourself. If you observe the nature of all phenomena, phenomena appear and disappear with the speed of lightning. But only the mind creates it, and knowing the mind breaks hell.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 수륙법회의 기원과 변화
Ⅲ. 『수륙법상찬』해석과 분석
Ⅳ. 결론