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KCI등재 학술저널

高麗時代 승정 제도의 구조와 기능

The Structure and Function of the Seungjeong System in Goryeo

DOI : 10.17939/hushss.2023.66.2.004
  • 67

僧政은 승려를 관리처럼 임명하는 과정에서 이루어지는 인사 행정을 의미한다. 고려시대운영되었던 승정은 僧階, 僧職, 賜紫·師號, 法號를 국가가 승려에게 하사하는 과정에서이루어졌다. 승정의 범주에 드는 이들은 상층 승려로 국한되었지만, 고려는 이들 소수를 통해전체 불교계를 통제하는 방식을 사용하였다. 승정이 관직의 인사행정과 크게 차이가 나는것은 共議라는 과정이다. 승정이 국가에서 이루어지만, 불교계의 의견을 반영하는 공의라는절차를 포함시켰다. 한편 승정도 관리의 인사행정과 같이 吏部에서 주관하였다. 조선시대의언급이지만, 兩宗의 추천을 받아 이를 예조에 보고한 후 이조가 주지 파견을 결정했다는과정에서도 이는 확인된다. 불교계의 공의를 예조에서 보고받은 것은 僧籍을 관리하는승록사가 예조의 속관이었기 때문일 뿐이다. 공민왕 때 관리의 인사를 장악했던 政房의일원이 僧職 제수를 담당했던 것도 승정이 관리의 인사행정과 동일한 방식으로 이루어지고있음을 보여준다. 고려 전기에 吏部에서 관리의 인사행정과 함께 승정을 총괄하다가 무신정권때 政房이 인사를 담당하게 되면서 승정의 직무도 함께 이전된 것이다. 뿐만 아니라승정에서는 이부 혹은 정방의 銓注와 함께 臺諫의 署經 절차도 이루어져 관직의 임명 절차와일치했다.

In Goryeo, seungjeong 僧政 was the administrative process by which the state appointed monks to various Buddhist positions. This process was conducted before offering stateapproved Buddhist positions, including seunggye (“clerical rank” 僧階), seungjik (“clerical position” 僧職), sajasamun (“purple-robe-bestowed śramaṇa” 賜紫沙門), beopho (“precept titles” 法號), and saho (“master titles” 師號), to monks. The number of monks subject to the seungjeong process was highly limited; however, this appointment system enabled the state to exert extensive control over the entire Buddhist community. Seungjeong included the unique process of gathering opinions from Buddhists, called gongui 共議. Despite this distinction, the historical records in both Goryeo and Joseon reveal significant parallels between the seungjeong process and the appointment of regular state officials. The seungjeong process was under the purview of the Ministry of Personnel (Libu 吏部) in Goryeo, and this jurisdiction was inherited by the Section of Personnel (Lijo 吏曹) in Joseon. The recommendations gathered from Soen and Gyo schools were submitted to the Section of Rituals (Yejo 禮曹), which held authority over the Seungroksa 僧錄司—the institution responsible for managing the monastic registers of Goryeo monks. Finally, the recommendation was forwarded to the Lijo, where the final decision on the appointment of the monks was made before they were dispatched to their respective temples. During the reign of King Gongmin, members of the Jeongbang 政房 assumed control over the Buddhist personnel administration. This was because the task of seungjeong of Libu had been taken over by Jeongbang since the military regime period. These records demonstrate that the Buddhist and secular personnel administration had a parallel mechanism in Goryeo though seungjeong had the additional process of gongui. Moreover, the seungjeong process involved not only jeonju 銓注, the evaluation of candidates but also seokyung·daekan 署經·臺諫—the verification and certification of candidates. These were standard processes conducted by state personnel and inspection institutions, such as Libu and Daekan, to appoint ordinary state officials.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. The Seunggye System in Goryeo Buddhism

Ⅲ. Varieties of Seungjik in Goryeo

Ⅳ. Seungjeong Process for Awarding the Purple Robe, Precept Titles, and Dharma Titles

Ⅴ. The Implementation of the Seungjeong System

Ⅵ. Conclusion

