최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第101輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

BCCWJ 기반 일본어 외래어 사용경향 분석

BCCWJ-based Japanese Loanword Usage Trend Analysis

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2023..101.004

本研究の目的は日本語母語話者の「外来語」の使用傾向を把握することである。大規模均衡コーパスであるBCCWJに基づいて頻度、比率、レジスターによる外来語の傾向を分析した。21,622個の外来語の中で一番頻度が高かったのは「パーセント」(63,392回)で、次は「ページ」(24,642回)、「センター」(20,664回)の順であった。外来語の頻度による分布は、頻度10,000回以上の外来語は15個、5,000回以上は62個に過ぎなかったが頻度1から100未満に該当する外来語がBCCWJ全体で占める割合が最も高いことが分かった。 頻度を基準に一番外来語が多いレジスターは「出版書籍」と「図書館書籍」であり、最も少ないレジスターは「韻文」と「法律」であった。しかし、元々語彙量が多いレジスターでは外来語の数も多い可能性が高いためレジスター全体の語彙量に比べて外来語の比率を確認した結果、「知恵袋」が14.3%で最も高かった。次は「雑誌(13.9%)」「ブログ(12.5%)」の順で現れた。この3つのレジスターは相対的に言語表現に規制が少なく自由な表現が可能なレジスターであると思われる。

The present paper aims to capture the tendencies in which the native speakers of Japanese use ‘loanwords’. Based on the BCCWJ, a large-scale balanced corpus, I analyse the usage of loanwords in terms of frequency, ratio, and register. Out of 21,622 loanwords, the most frequently used loanword is 「paasento(パーセント)」(63,392), followed by 「peeji(ページ)」(24,642) and 「sentaa(センター)」(20,664). This frequency-based analysis shows that whilst the number of loanwords which are used more than 10,000 times is only 15 and the number of loanwords which are used more than 5,000 times is only 62, there are much more cases of loanwords whose frequencies range from 1 to 99. According to the criterion of frequency, the registers in which loanwords appear the most frequently are ‘published books’ and ‘library books’, whereas those in which loanwords appear the least frequently are ‘essays’ and ‘law-related books’. It is, however, possible that the registers with the high number of words contain many loanwords, in the first place. Thus, I calculated the ratio of loanwords in the total number of words in a given register and found that the highest rate was 14.3 percent in ‘Chiebukuro’, followed by 13.9 percent in ‘magazines’ and 12.5 percent in ‘blogs’. In these three registers, we find relatively few regulations on the usage of linguistic expressions, and the users seem to employ various types of expressions.

1. 시작하며

2. 선행연구 및 연구방법

3. 분석

4. 마치며

