최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第101輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

地域的特性が反映されるエントランス言葉のストラテジー: 言語景観のメディアとしての可能性

The Strategy of Entrance Language Reflecting Areal Features: Viewing of Linguistic Landscape as a Media

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2023..101.005


In the present paper, we analyse the linguistic landscape in the Japan- Korea adjacent areas, in particular, the strategies of ‘entrance language’ typically attested in the entrance of shops. Our aims are twofold as follows: (i) to consider how they are related to the catchphrases characterising the image of each area and (ii) to show how the linguistic landscape in each area reflects commonalities and differences in terms of usage aspects in each area and their areal features. As a result, we confirmed that the catchphrases in the five areas, Yufuin, Tsushima, Fukuoka, Busan, and Jeju (“住み良さ日本一の町、湯布院”, “おっ!な島です。対馬”, “アジアの玄関口、商人の町”、“福岡, 皆が幸せ東北アジアの海洋首都、釜山”, and “コミュニケーションで始まるハッピー濟州”, respectively) are closely interrelated with the strategies of entrance language. More concretely, the following features were identified: (i) Yufuin and Tsushima, where people observe regulations, (ii) Jeju, which welcomes and attracts tourists, (iii) Busan and Yufuin, which are brimming with confidence, (iv) Jeju and Fukuoka, with the signs notifying that the visitors are not allowed to enter, and (v) Fukuoka and Jeju, where thankfulness matters. The present study also shows that linguistic landscape plays a role as a media in the sense of the conveyance of messages.

1. 研究の背景と目的

2. 先行研究の検討および問題の提起

3. 研究方法

4. エントランス言葉のストラテジーの日韓比較

5. エントランス言葉のストラテジーの5地域比較

6. まとめと今後の課題

