최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第101輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

『蜻蛉日記』卷末歌集에 관한 一考察

A Study on the Collection of Poems at the End of The Kagerou Nikki

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2023..101.009

『蜻蛉日記』の下巻の記録は「京のはてなれば、夜いたうふけてぞたゝき来なる。とぞ本に)」で終わり、また「仏名のあしたに、雪の降りければ」で始まる五十首の和歌が収録されている。一般的に<卷末家集>と呼ばれるもので、いささかの本文異同はあるものの、ほぼ同一内容の歌集が『傅大納言母上集』『道綱母集』という書名で宮内庁書陵部に所蔵されている。 <卷末家集>に収録されている五十首の和歌を歌人別(贈答歌の場合は相手)に分類するば、作者の一人息子である藤原道綱と関連する和歌が十六首で全体の三割以上を占めている。『蜻蛉日記』下巻にも道綱と関連し、‘大和だつ人’および‘八橋の女’との贈答歌四十二首を含め、四十四首が集中的に収録されている。しかし、実際二人とは結婚まで至らなかった。 道綱は母の死後、『蜻蛉日記』に漏れている和歌と自分の和歌を集め、中古三十六歌仙の一人で、道綱母からも文学的な影響を多く受けている叔父の藤原長能に依頼した。その結果、<卷末家集>の五十首のうち道綱と関連する和歌が十六首にも及んでいる。従って、<卷末家集>は『傅大納言道綱集』と呼ばれても相応しい歌集であると思われる。

The record of the third volume of The Kagerou Nikki ends with the sentences: ‘Since this is the edge of Kyoto, I hear someone coming as they knock on the doors in the middle of the night (as written in the book).’ Also, it includes fifty waka poems that start with ‘If it snows in the next morning of the event of Butsumyou, ….’ These poems, with slight variations in the text, are included in The Collection of Funo Dainagon’s Mother and The Collection of Michitsuna’s Mother, which are generally called a ‘private collection at the end of a book’, stored in the Book-Storage Section of the Imperial Household Agency. If we classify the fifty waka poems in the ‘Collection at the End of the Book’ by poet (or by recipient in the case of exchange poems), the waka poems relating to Fujiwara-no Michitsuna, the son of the author, account for more than 30 percent (16 poems) of the total. The third volume of The Kagerou Nikki also includes 44 Michitsuna-related poems, including 42 exchange poems between ‘The daughter of the leader of Yamato’ and ‘The woman of Yatsubashi’. The two, however, were eventually not married. After the death of his mother, Michitsuna collected his own waka poems and the poems that were omitted from The Kagerou Nikki, and he asked for an assistance Fujiwara-no Nagatou, his uncle, who was tremendously influenced by literature figures such as the mother of Michitsuna and who was one of the 36 representative poets of the Middle age poems. As a result, out of the 50 waka poems in the ‘Private Collection at the End of the Book’, 16 poems were related to Michitsuna. Therefore, it is reasonable to identify the ‘Private Collection at the End of the Book’ as The Collection of Funo Dainagon Michitsuna.

1. 들어가며

2. 和歌의 歌人, 歌作時期 및 編纂者

3. 卷末家集의 편찬의도

4. 나오며

