최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第101輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

戦後世代に歴史を伝えることと人間の存在論: 鄭閏熙の『青春の軌跡』論

Passing the History on to the Postwar Generation and Human Ontology: A Study on Jung, Yoon-Hee’s Trajectory of Youth

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2023..101.012


Jung, Yoon-Hee, a second-generation zainichi writer, is not necessarily well-known in South Korea, with only a few of his works translated and introduced. He is an established writer who has steadily published novels and essays over the years. In 2022, he published his first full-length novel, Trajectory of Youth, which is to be commemorated by himself. It contains his sincere thoughts for the future-oriented relationship of coexistence between the younger generation of Koreans residing in Japan and the Japanese. Therefore, in this article, while reading this work carefully, I will discuss the “strategy” for conveying a history to the postwar generation and the ontology of the characters that can be read from the contents. In short, Trajectory of Youth can be interpreted as a literary representation of not only the youth of Japan, but also the quest for human existence, while gently encouraging the younger generation to warmly cheer up future-oriented symbiotic relationships. I believe that the examination in this paper is a necessary task in order to foresee a “correct” future in the rapidly changing situation in East Asia, and in the current world situation where the exclusionism is spreading day by day.

1. はじめに-ある座談会への断想

2. なぜ一人称話者の「ぼく」は日本人の若者なのか―戦後世代に歴史を伝えるための「戦略」

3. 生きることの苦悩-登場人物の存在論

4. おわりに

