최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第101輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

미야케(宮家)의 여성 묘사를 통해 본 헤이안조 문학의 서사구조

A Study on the Narrative Structure of the Literature in the Heian Period Based on the Depiction of the Women of Noble Families: Acceptance and Transformation of Historical Contexts

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2023..101.015


In this paper, I analyse how historical facts relating to the second princess have been received and transformed into fictional narratives. In ancient times, the second princess, a granddaughter of the emperor, was treated similarly to a daughter of the emperor. They contributed to their country by serving as ‘Saigu’ or ‘Saio’, but the decree of Enryaku 12th year caused a significant change in their status. In particular, in the case of the second princesses who had been treated as a sacred figure supporting the imperial family, some of them became the wife of the Fujiwara clan and led a glamorous life. Most of them, however, faced harsh destinies. Even if a princess held a high position, if her parents (where the father was her guardian) pass away, she might have fell into a pitiable state, a position worse that that of the daughters of their subordinates. Such records are hardly found in historical materials, but it is highly likely that Murasaki Shikibu, who lived during that time, fully understood the harsh realities of these noble but pitiful women, and her recognition of these women was reflected in her depiction of women of noble families in The Table of Genji. In spite of their decline and desperate destinies, they made every effort to maintain the pride of their royal lineage and the honour of their family. Their struggle is what Murasaki Shikibu repeatedly portrayed even though she made caustic remarks on them. Her repeated mentions of them seem to be based on her desire to understand their life.

1. 들어가며

2. 황족의 결혼정책 변천사

3. 엔랴쿠 12년 조서의 파장

4. 작품 속에 보이는 미야케 여성의 삶

5. 결론

