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KCI등재후보 학술저널

유전자 치료에서의 병원약사의 역할: 문헌고찰 연구

The Role of Hospital Pharmacists in Gene Therapy: A Literature Review Study

  • 146

Several gene therapies have market authorization in US FDA since 2017, and Zolgensma was approved in Korea and marketed under national health insurance program from 2022. Market approval of gene therapy drugs are expected to increase dramatically in the near future. Hospitals and pharmacists are required to prepare for the application of gene therapy because gene therapy is a high-tech biopharmaceutical that requires stringent standard operation procedure and has biological risks and high price. This study reviewed the existing literatures to understand the role of pharmacists in relation to gene therapy using pubmed, embase, and Korean literature database. A total of 7 literatures were selected in western society and there were no published articles in Korea. The roles of pharmacists are grouped into 16 categories. Important roles include control of viral shedding and seroconversion, prevention of immune responses, and pharmacovigilance and post-marketing surveillance. The active involvement of hospital pharmacists in the entire process of gene therapy would be essential factors for safe and effective treatment of patients.




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