중증질환 치료제 비용 지원정책의 국내외 동향 분석 및 시사점
Analysis of Domestic and International Trends and Implications of Severe Disease Treatment Cost Support Policies
- 한국보건사회약료경영학회
- 한국보건사회약료경영학회지
- 제11권 제1호
- 2023.05
- 39 - 51 (13 pages)
BACKGROUND This study aimed to derive implications by comparing and analyzing foreign cases in relation to support for treatment of severe diseases, and by examining institutionalization plans discussed in Korea. METHODS In analyzing domestic and foreign policy trends related to treatment support for severe diseases, the scope of investigation of target diseases and support systems was set, and foreign cases were organized according to institutional/ financial indicators. Domestic cases mainly referred to the contents of the review of the current 21st National Assembly. Descriptive statistical analysis and testing were conducted using SPSS. RESULTS Foreign cases were divided into countries that operate special support systems and other countries, and a total of 18 domestic cases were reviewed for institutionalization measures. In Korea, the key issues are ‘whether the special support system is redundant and efficient’ and ‘financing methods’. CONCLUSION In the future, it is necessary to precede the process of identifying the patient's burden of treatment for severe diseases and the current status of support through the existing system, and more precisely estimating the required finances until reimbursement.