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KCI등재 학술저널


The defense of Shuofang County under the evolution of Han-hun relationship

DOI : 10.17292/kams.2023.73.173
  • 3


The development and evolution of the relationship between the Han and the Hun regime is the main clue to the historical evolution of northern border regions of China from the end of the third century BC to the end of the first century AD.During the 300 year coexistence of the Han and Hun regime, the cycles of war and peace recurred until the Southern and Northern Hun goun our separate ways .During this period, the Shuofang region changed hands multiple times between the Hun and Han regimes, and the defense system of the Shuofang region in the Western Han Dynasty also experienced a development process from scratch to abolition.In the early Western Han Dynasty, the Shuofang area was under the control of the Hun. After Emperor Wu of Han conquered the Hun, he expanded his territory for thousands of miles, and the establishment of Shuofang County was the first step in advancing his defense project northward.On this basis, the construction of Shuofang County has been continuously improved, forming a progressive defense engineering system layer by layer.After Huhanye Chanyu annexed the Han regiem, the Western Han dismissed the outer cities,Abandoned beacon towers,and the Shuofang defense system entered a state of “preparation but not use”. During the alternation of the Two Han Dynasties and the early years of the Eastern Han, the Hun and Han regiems engaged in fierce competition in the Shuofang area, resulting in the Eastern Han having to merge Shuofang County.

1. 绪论

2. 汉匈关系演变的四个阶段

3. “河南之战”前朔方地区的归属

4. 朔方郡的设立和西汉北境防御工程的加强

5. 呼韩邪单于守边与“备而不用”的朔方防务

6. 两汉交替之际汉匈对朔方郡的争夺

7. 小结
