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KCI등재 학술저널

Түрэгийн хаант улс хийгээд Татаби аймгийн харилцаа

Research on the relationship betweenthe Turkic Khanate and the Tatabi tribe

DOI : 10.17292/kams.2023.73.237

In our article, we have tried to clarify the relationship between the Turkic kingdom and the Tatabi based on Runic sources and Chinese sources related to the relationship between Turks and Tatabi. The relationship between the Turkish kingdom and the Tatabi is characterized by service, military alliances, and warfare. The Sui Kingdom united the small khanates of the South and the North and changed the situation of the Middle Kingdom which had been divided and divided for more than three hundred years, but it was a short-lived state like the Qin State. During this period, they fought with Korea for twenty years in this war that passed through the northeastern part of current China, and in order to get the support of the Tatabi people, they took advantage of their wealth, and it is said that the Tang state, which arose after that, sought to bring the Tatabi ethnic group under its jurisdiction. The Turks, who established a large nomadic empire, did many things to keep Tatabi as their official state. Although the Tatabis could not establish their own state, they continued to be recorded in historical sources. They were superior in terms of land, hunting and farming were coordinated, they were good at fighting, and they had strong provincial ties. In Chinese sources, the name Tatabi has been recorded in political history even during weak times for more than nine hundred years from Wei to Yuan. The secret of the Tatabi family is that they survived by themselves without being influenced by the politics and powers of the state of the time which is important in the future. Although Tatabi was a small nomadic tribe from the east, dominating them would be one of the important steps of the Sui State, Tang State, and Turkic Kingdom’s political and economic position to rule Northeast Asia and run their foreign policy successfully in that historical time.

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2. Түрэг хийгээд Татаби аймгийн харилцааны талаар судлагдсан байдал

3. Түрэг хийгээд Сүй, Тан улсын завсар дахьТатаби аймаг

4. Түрэг хийгээд Татаби аймгийн харилцаа

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