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한국IT서비스학회지 제22권 제2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

4차 산업혁명 관련 공통 세부업종 제조업 및 서비스업의 수도권 내 공간적 분포 변화

Changes in Spatial Distribution of Core Manufacturing and Service Industries of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

DOI : 10.9716/KITS.2023.22.2.001
  • 78

Due to the convergence and complexity of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the boundaries between industries have become unclear and ambiguous. Consequently, there is a lack of research on how firms engaged in this industry are changing their location behavior. Recently, some attempts to classify the industrial groups of the 4th Industrial Revolution and their detail occupations have been made, and this study adopts the classification of Lee and Jung (2020) of the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade. In this study, the 18 detailed industries commonly included in multiple industrial groups are defined as ‘core industries’ and are classified into manufacturing and service industries to explore the spatial patterns of firms’ location. Specifically, this study aims to examine how the location behavior of firms in core industries of the 4th Industrial Revolution has changed from 2010 to 2019 in the Seoul metropolitan area, using the 「National Business Survey」 data. We employed two methods based on spatial auto-correlation: (i) spatial kernel density estimation analysis and (ii) local Moran’s analysis. The results indicate that the core industry firms form more distinct and larger clusters in 2019 based on the clusters formed in 2010. Specifically, manufacturing industry firms tended to concentrate in the southern region of Gyeonggi and parts of Seoul, while serivce industry firms were more concentrated in Seoul. These core industries play a critical role in industries and are closely related to the ICT industries, which generate high-added value and increase productivity in the front and rear industries. This study reveals that the agglomeration of these industries in specific regions is intensifying and may exacerbate regional inequality.

1. 서론

2. 선행연구 검토

3. 연구 방법

4. 분석 결과

5. 결론

