Rasch 모형을 이용한 헤어미용전문가의 인적서비스품질 측정도구 개발 및 타당화
Development and Validation of Human Service Quality Scale for Hair Beauty Experts Using Rasch Model
- 한국인체미용예술학회
- 한국인체미용예술학회지
- 제24권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 2023.06
- 281 - 308 (28 pages)
This study attempted to develop hairstylists’ human service quality-measuring instruments and verify their validity. It has reached the following conclusions through a series of research procedures: First, in research 1, inductive contents analysis was performed with open-ended questions in order to develop a human service quality construct for hairstylists. As a result, 6 categories were derived: professionalism, intimacy, appearance, reliability, consequence, empathy. Second, in research 2, 6 factors and 70 questions were developed based on the human service quality construct. After statistical analysis, 6 factors and 25 questions were obtained. Third, in research 3, according to analysis of the validity of the human service quality-measuring instruments, the construct was confirmed valid. After a series of the above procedures (researches 1-3), this study developed a human service quality scale perceived by consumers and verified its validity.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론배경
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅴ. 논의
Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언