作为确切学术用语的职业教育源自 1904 年的山西农林学堂总办姚文栋的《添聘普通教习文》。但作为教育类型的职业教育实践贯穿我国社会发展始终,其产生和发展都经历了一个较为漫长的演变过程。在我国,职业教育经历了传统学徒制、实业教育、职业教育、技术教育、职业技术教育的发展历程。随着 1996 年,我国职业教育法的颁布和实施,以及改革开放以来 40 多年的职业教育实践和理论探索,至 2014 年国家政策文件中才最终采用职业教育作为与我国普通教育相对应的职业教育类型的唯一表述。只有对作为类型教育的职业教育特征和本质属性认识比较清晰且达成共识,职业教育的称谓之争才会在学界逐渐平息。
Vocational education, as an exact academic term, originated from “Tianpin Putong Jiaoxiwen” written by Yao Wendong, the general manager of Shanxi Agriculture and Forestry School in 1904. However, the practice of vocational education as a type of education runs through the development of Chinese society, and its emergence and development have experienced a relatively long evolution process. In China, vocational education has experienced the development of traditional apprenticeship, industrial education, vocational education, technical education, and vocational and technical education. With the promulgation and implementation of the Chinese Vocational Education Law in 1996, and vocational education practice and theoretical exploration for more than 40 years since the reform and opening up, it was not until the 2014 national policy document that vocational education was finally adopted as a parallel education type of Chinese general education. Only when there is a clearer understanding of the characteristics and essential attributes of vocational education as a type of education and a consensus is reached, the dispute over the title of vocational education will gradually subside in the academic circle.
Ⅰ. 引言
Ⅱ. 传统学徒制
Ⅲ. 实业教育
Ⅳ. 职业教育
Ⅴ. 技术教育
Ⅵ. 职业技术教育
Ⅶ. 结语