최근 검색어 전체 삭제
국제문화연구 Vol.16 No.1.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

先秦兩漢 서술·명령·금지 부정사의 동의성 연구

A Study on the Consent of Descriptive, Commanded and Banned Injustice in the Xinaqin-LiangHan[先秦兩漢]

DOI : 10.34223/jic.2023.16.1.223
  • 4

The purpose of this study is to examine the consiliency of ‘勿’, ‘毋’, ‘無’, ‘莫’ which combine descriptive negation, command and forbidden negation among the negative meanings of ancient Chinese. It is to provide the easyness of discrimination by providing the semantics of the word to the learners who complain of the discrimination of ‘勿’, ‘毋’, ‘無’, ‘莫’ having the meaning of the descriptive denial, command and forbidden denial. There are many previous studies on ‘勿’, ‘毋’, ‘無’, ‘莫’ and ‘勿’, ‘毋’, ‘無’, ‘莫’ still are being studied. As a diachronic consideration, there is a study on the prohibition markers of the period of Chinese in the period of Chinese in the modern times - focusing on ‘勿’, ‘毋’, ‘無’, ‘莫’. This study investigated the classification by the two-minute method of exemption and prohibition in the sense of the negative form of the 'lecture duty' aspect. The public consideration is “the” law.,This study analyzed the grammar function of negative adverbs '' specifically by using the literature statistical survey of ‘勿’, ‘毋’, ‘無’, ‘莫’. This study also analyzed the literary examples of the public disclosures and compared the discriminatory qualities of ‘勿’, ‘毋’, ‘無’, ‘莫’ and ‘勿’, ‘毋’, ‘無’, ‘莫’ based on the public disclosure.,Furthermore, the semantics of narrative denial, command or forbidden denial were analyzed and the differences in syntactic thoughts were analyzed.,This is to solve the discrimination difficulties of ancient Chinese learners and to analyze the grammar function of ‘勿’, ‘毋’, ‘無’, ‘莫’.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 古代漢語자전에 나타난 의미항목

Ⅲ. 先秦兩漢시기의 문헌에 나타난 용례

Ⅳ. 결론
