최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.9 No.2.jpg

A Historical Overview of the Development of Buddhism in Cambodia

A Historical Overview of the Development of Buddhism in Cambodia

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2022.9.2.1

Buddhism has a long history in Cambodia, beginning with the arrival of Indian monks in the 4th century and continuing until the present day. This paper will provide a detailed overview of the development of Buddhism in Cambodia, beginning with its introduction in the 4th century, followed by its growth and spread during the Khmer Empire period, and its gradual decline during the French colonial period. It will also discuss the resurgence of Buddhism in the modern era and its current status in Cambodia. The paper will conclude with an analysis of the impact of Buddhism on Cambodian society and culture.

1. Introducition

2. History of Buddhism in Cambodia

3. Impact of Buddhism on Cambodian Society

4. Conclusion

