최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.9 No.2.jpg

The Impact, Response and Construction of Cultural Security in the Late Qing Dynasty

The Impact, Response and Construction of Cultural Security in the Late Qing Dynasty

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2022.9.2.83

Since the Opium War, western cultural customs have had an impact on late Qing society, and traditional cultural customs have gradually been replaced by western cultural customs. The impact of Western culture is threatening China's cultural security. In this process, different voices in the late Qing Dynasty spoke out about how to maintain their own cultural security: diehards chose to stick to themselves and resist all foreign things; the Westernization School and the Reformists chose to absorb advanced western culture and customs to varying degrees. In terms of its own customs, the late Qing Dynasty spread traditional Chinese customs and culture through official and unofficial channels.

1. The impact of customs faced by the Chinese nation in the late Qing Dynasty

2. The construction of maintaining customs and habits in the late Qing Dynasty

3. the spread and influence of China's cultural customs in the late Qing Dynasty

