최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.9 No.2.jpg

An Examination of Security Risks in China-Pakistan Investment Cooperation under Changing Dynamics

An Examination of Security Risks in China-Pakistan Investment Cooperation under Changing Dynamics

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2022.9.2.97

As the most important part of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Pakistan itself has been facing problems like terrorism attacks, political turmoil and economic crisis. Especially after the U.S. withdraw from Afghan, its western borders close to Afghan has been facing numerous violence accidents and unstable factors. These problems cause serious situation to any personnel stay in Pakistan, and thus difficulties in progressing projects. However, except for those obstacles in front of Chinese personnel, Pakistan government has been determined to dedicate to economic development, thus CPEC and its related programs undoubtedly become Pakistan’s most feasible and reliable economic growth projects and vice versa. Among many other policies, Pakistan has launched security policies and special measures for Chinese staffs. Thus for investors, Pakistan is still the friendliest government with welcoming people. Based on analysis, there is still solid ground to stick to the CPEC and go on cooperation, while new investors need to assess all practical problems and factors to make decisions.

1. The security situation in Pakistan is getting more and more serious.

2. Difficulties in Investment Cooperation between China and Pakistan

3. Thoughts on Deepening Investment Cooperation between China and Pakistan

