Bhutan's Living Buddhist Traditions: Past, Present, and Future
Bhutan's Living Buddhist Traditions: Past, Present, and Future
- 아시아사회과학학회
- Journal of Asia Social Science
- Vol.10 No.1
- 2023.02
- 35 - 40 (6 pages)
The study looks at the present state of Buddhism in Bhutan, highlighting the key features of the country's religious practices and the role of the monastic community. The research investigates how the government has incorporated Buddhist principles into its development policies, including the adoption of the Gross National Happiness (GNH) philosophy, which emphasizes the importance of spiritual and cultural values alongside economic growth. Finally, the paper explores the challenges and opportunities facing Buddhism in Bhutan in the future. The study identifies the impact of globalization, modernization, and technological advancement on Bhutan's traditional Buddhist practices and values. The research also examines the ways in which Bhutan can continue to promote and preserve its Buddhist heritage in the face of these challenges. In conclusion, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of Bhutan's living Buddhist traditions, highlighting their historical roots, present state, and future prospects. The research underscores the importance of Buddhism in shaping Bhutan's identity and provides insights into how the country can continue to preserve and promote its unique cultural heritage in the 21st century.
1. Introduction
2. Past of Bhutan's Living Buddhist Traditions
3. Present of Bhutan's Living Buddhist Traditions
4. Future of Bhutan's Living Buddhist Traditions
5. Conclusion