최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.10 No.1.jpg

The Historical Development of Hindu Nationalism in India

The Historical Development of Hindu Nationalism in India

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2023.10.1.83

Hindu nationalism has played a significant role in shaping the political and social landscape of India throughout its history. This paper examines the development of Hindu nationalism in India, from its emergence during the colonial period to its current state in post-independence India. The paper also analyzes the challenges and criticisms associated with Hindu nationalism, including its impact on the principles of secularism and democracy, religious violence and communalism, and the rights and freedoms of minority groups. The paper concludes by discussing the need for greater understanding and tolerance between different religious and cultural groups in India and the importance of promoting a more inclusive and diverse society.

1. Introduction

2. Colonialism and the Emergence of Hindu Nationalism

3. Hindu Nationalism in the Early 20th Century

4. Hindu Nationalism in Post-Independence India

5. Conclusion

