최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.10 No.1.jpg

Opportunities, Challenges and Countermeasures of National Identity Education for Chinese College Students in the Internet Era

Opportunities, Challenges and Countermeasures of National Identity Education for Chinese College Students in the Internet Era

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2023.10.1.137

In addition to operating as a unique channel for educators to execute national identity education, the internet period serves as the main venue for contemporary Chinese college students to articulate their subjectivities and perceive the world. Because of the Internet's myriad of features, Chinese college students now have unprecedented opportunities to educate themselves about China's national identity. However, these features have also brought about certain social upheavals and the influence of “virtual existence”, both of which may have an impact on the students' value systems and national consciousness. In light of these circumstances, China is moving forward into a new epoch, which makes it an urgent necessity to strengthen and improve the education of Chinese college students in network-based national identity. As a result, the current work analyses the opportunities boded by the internet era for the teaching of Chinese college students' national identity. Simultaneously, the work examines the problems within, and it endeavours to provide techniques that are responsive to these challenges.

1. The network society proffers novel opportunities for Chinese college students

2. The challenges introduced by network society to Chinese college students’ national identity education

3. Research conclusions and cogitations

