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인간식물환경학회지(JPPE) 제26권 제3호.jpg

An Analysis of the Growth and Photosynthetic Responses of Potted Veronica pusanensis Y.N.Lee according to the Shading Levels

An Analysis of the Growth and Photosynthetic Responses of Potted Veronica pusanensis Y.N.Lee according to the Shading Levels

DOI : 10.11628/ksppe.2023.26.3.219
  • 55

Background and objective: Veronica pusanensis, an endemic species of South Korea belonging to the Plantaginaceae family,is found in Busan, South Korea. Due to its high ornamental value, it is expected to be utilized as a flower crop. However,currently it is an endangered species with its habitats being destroyed and reduced. Methods: Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the growth and photosynthetic responses of potted plants of V. pusanensisunder different shading levels to enable mass production. Polyethylene (PE) shading films were selected as the shadingmaterial, and shading levels were designed at 0, 35, 45, 60, 75, and 99%, respectively. Results: Results showed that shoot height, shoot width, ground cover, leaf length, leaf width, shoot fresh and dry weight,chlorophyll content (SPAD units), and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters Fv/Fm and PIABS were highest under the 35%shading level. This indicates that it is relatively more desirable to grow V. pusanensis in shade culture compared to underdirect sunlight. Meanwhile, root fresh weight and dry weight were highest under the 0% shading level. Conclusion: Therefore, it is recommended to grow V. pusanensis under direct sunlight to significantly increase root biomasswhen the purpose is to facilitate rootage when transplanting plants for habitat restoration. On the other hand, for thecultivation of V. pusanensis as an ornamental flower crop, it is recommended to grow the plants under the 35% shadinglevel to significantly increase plant sizes and maintain ensure the proper functioning of photosynthetic responses inphotosystem II (PSII).


Research Methods

Results and Discussion


