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KCI등재 학술저널

한국 해상 컨테이너 화물 장기운송계약 제도 개선방향 연구

A Study on the Improvement of the Korea Long-Term Contract System for the Container Marine Transportation: Comparing with U.S Service Contract

  • 19

In the wake of Hanjin Shipping's bankruptcy in 2016, SERVICE CONTRACT was introduced to sign a long-term contract for Korean container market benchimarking the U.S Service Contract. When it was shown in the U.S shipping Act of 1984 the main issue was how to weaken the conference and protect U.S shippers. However, this study analyzed the revision direction of the long-term contract system to suit the domestic environment, pointing out that the long-term contract system played a big role in the process of the U.S. from the shipowner country to the shipper country. As a result, Korea is strengthening its status as a shipowner country with an increase in shipping companies and fleet, and domestic shippers are polarized into large logistics subsidiaries and small and medium NVOCCs. Therefore, by recognizing these environmental differences, four directions for improvement of the Korean S/C were derived. First, it will be necessary to add mandatory reports of missing items compared to those of the United States and strengthen long-term contract incentives and penalties. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the position of shipping companies in the alliance along with the corresponding S/C with Korean shippiers. Third, it is necessary to include NVOCC's freight announcement. Fourth, it is necessary to develop separate contract conditions and incentives to promote S/C for small and medium-sized firms

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 미국 Service Contract 개정과 함의

Ⅲ. 한국 컨테이너 해상화물 장기계약 제도

Ⅳ. 한국 장기계약 제도 개선방향

Ⅴ. 결론

